Health & Wellbeing Casework
Bridge of Hope has two Health and Wellbeing Caseworkers who work directly with victims and survivors to improve health and wellbeing. These roles are funded by the PEACE IV element of the Victims & Survivors Service. A key aspect of their role is to facilitate clients’ engagement with statutory, community and voluntary organisations and sensitively communicate needs and requirements.
The Caseworkers are here to discuss your needs, and to help local people access services and support to meet those needs. They will treat your query in confidence and assist you to access services, information, and support to improve your health and wellbeing.
They have experience of working with victims and survivors, and understand that your needs can be complex and can change over time. These can range from befriending to welfare advice, education and training support, disability aids, and psychological therapies. They can also help you engage with community and voluntary services in your area, and with statutory services too.
They will meet you to establish what your needs are and can then advocate on your behalf to government or community agencies. Home visits can also be carried out where people may be housebound due to health issues. This service is person centred and focuses on increasing the quality of care in the sector for victims and survivors and their families. You can get in touch with Tony or Aoife by ringing the Ashton Centre on 028 90 74 22 55.