Personal Development
Bridge of Hope delivers resilience, stress management and personal development programmes regionally. There are a wide variety of courses available and each one offers its own benefits to the participant. They vary in length too – for example from a one day course to a 6 week programme. All courses are designed to alleviate stress, strengthen confidence and build resilience.
Stress is the result of a mismatch between the challenges you experience and your belief in your ability to cope. Feeling under pressure and stressed can lead to ill health. Learning how to better deal with stress and adversity in life is important for all of us. At Bridge of Hope we take a holistic approach to health and well being. Our programmes treat the body and mind as a whole and aim to provide the tools to help you feeling positive. There are no previous skills or qualifications required to register for any Bridge of Hope programme and our highly qualified tutors facilitate a bespoke course every time. To find out more about our personal development courses and when they’re running, please contact Bridge of Hope Training Co-ordinator Mary Stanton at the McSweeney Centre 028 9032 2289.
Click on any of the purple icons below to find out more about our personal development programmes.
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