What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness seeks to develop and nourish present moment awareness. Bridge of Hope offers mindfulness training in various programme styles. Contact the team for more details.
Mindfulness is the practice of:
- Stepping back from being lost in thought
- Bringing your attention fully into the present moment
- Observing whatever arises in awareness with friendly curiosity
- It is non-judgmental and accepting of whatever arises be it pleasant or unpleasant
Mindfulness practice leads to…
- Less worry about the past or future
- Less criticism of self and others
- More acceptance of the present moment as it is
- A different way of relating to and coping with sensations, emotions, thoughts and feelings.
- A greater sense of being a part of life
What are the health benefits of Mindfulness?
- Blood pressure normalised
- Heart rate lowered
- Cardiovascular effectivity increased
- Enhanced immune system
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Improved sleep and concentration
- Stomach and Bowel function improves
- Pain is easier to cope with
- Aging process decreased