Arabic and Spanish versions of the Transitional Justice Grassroots Toolkit and User’s Guide are now available.
The translated materials were launched at Belfast Castle Friday June 16 as part of the Transitional Justice Institute (TJI) international summer school.
The Transitional Justice Grassroots Toolkit Programme is a partnership between Ashton Community Trust’s Bridge of Hope department and the TJI at Ulster University.
It has been delivered to over 250 people since 2011 and aims to encourage individuals affected by conflict to examine how transition is working in the local place and then identify steps for focused interventions across 5 key areas of transitional justice.
Much delivery has focused on victims and survivors from North and West Belfast, both areas where the conflict impacted hardest.
The community-university programme has been specifically designed to address different conflict experiences of diverse men and women and to also empower a justice exchange between people who are disproportionately impacted by conflict.
The translation project was driven by TJI. Senior lecturer Eilish Rooney and PhD student Azadeh Sobout who used the Toolkit in her recent Lebanon field research both launched the materials.
If you would like to download the translated documents click here.