Date: 09/12/2013
Junior Minister McCann today unveiled a piece of art produced as part of a project created by the Shankill and Falls Womens’ Centre.
The piece of art was part of the Bridge of Hope’s Transitional Justice Grassroots Programme which provides services to victims and survivors and is part of the Ashton Community Programme. The project started in March 2012 and involved 18 people from the Shankill and Falls Women’s Centres.
Speaking at the unveiling in the Victims and Survivors Service, Junior Minister McCann said: “I commend the Ashton Community Trust, the Victims and Survivors Service and everyone who participated in this project. The jigsaw pieces reflect individual experiences of the conflict as well as their hopes for the future.
“Peace needs partnership and community projects like this one involving the Shankill and the Falls provide a solid foundation for peace and community relations. This piece of art may be complete and the project finished, however, the relationships and new friendships forged as a result of this project will live on.
“Transitional Justice is important as it seeks recognition for victims and aims to promote possibilities for peace and reconciliation. This Programme has successfully engaged with individuals around a range of issues such as institutional reform, prosecution, truth and reconciliation.”
The artwork will be displayed in the Boardroom of the Victims and Survivors Service in Millennium House.
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